6 Training Principals Every Volleyball Player Must Follow – Part 2

In part 1, we discussed the first 3 Training Principles for Volleyball players that we abide by here at PowerStrength Training Systems. If you missed it, you can review it HERE

Let us dive back in and continue discussing what should be included in every volleyball athlete’s training program.


  1. Directed ACL Training and Posterior Chain Emphasis

Owing to the increased chance of ACL injury for female athletes, all of our female athletes perform various preventative exercises at the end of each training session. This is either a mix of decelerating mechanics, kinesthetic (body) awareness of ankle/knee position, balance and coordination, and/or strength exercises. These are performed at the end of the session in order to condition our girls to brace and move correctly when they are tired. Injury rates of all types are increased as competition, practice, and/or the season progresses so we train injury prevention (reduction) in the same conditions.

The posterior chain –calves, hamstrings, glutes, low back- are also drilled and worked daily. These muscles drive the position of the knees and hips, govern the athlete’s ability to run fast and jump high, and correct the quadriceps dominance that many female athletes show.


  1. Get Strong

We are huge believers in strength. Strength applied with proper bracing, in good positions, and as part of a balanced program will enhance every other athletic quality. Given two athletes with the same volleyball skill set – the stronger one will always jump higher, run faster, and be less injury prone.

This, however, doesn’t mean we throw our volleyball girls under a barbell with hundreds of pounds on it the first day they show up. Because female athletes have less fast twitch muscle fibers and testosterone than their male counterparts, relative strength is our primary focus. Our girls look to get better at exercises like pushups, chin-ups, glute ham raises, and/or using sub-maximal weights. Our typical weight training consists of a higher number of sets, moderate reps, and heavy, but manageable weight in order to enforce proper technique and loading. A wide-variety of  jumps, med ball throws, and sprints are used to get the true power output they need to add explosiveness to their vertical leaps and to make them powerful on the court .



  1. Get After IT

Volleyball players NEED to know that they are allowed to be strong, fast, healthy, and happy. Not a single one of our female athletes is “too big” or “bulky” – even those that have trained with us for years. Females simply don’t have the physiology to support being overly muscular without anabolics (additional hormones or assistance). Female athletes can, however, be confident in their strength, performance, and body. Our girls love to train because of the environment of confidence and empowerment that is cultivated by fun, meaningful training. This environment and the habits they create pay dividends for their entire lives whether they continue to play volleyball or not.


It’s overly common for many girls to practice/play year-round and do constant skills training. So what should athletes do to set themselves apart? Girls who train at PowerStrength simply get in the gym and train the qualities that enhance all their practice, competition, and skills training. Many of their peers merely think playing more volleyball is enough and choose not to prioritize their training. This results in HUGE advantages for the girls that do.  Girls who train are less injury prone, healthier, stronger, faster, and their visible work ethic stands out to interested coaches.


If you found this article helpful and you would like to learn more about training in our program, click HERE to claim your free workout and consultation! Tell us how we can help you with your training and goals to make you a better athlete on the court.


(Article written and contributed by Skyler Davis and Mark Ehnis)