June’s Member of the Month Showcase

PSTS Member Showcase
Edward Foley was our June Member of the Month and a long-time supporter of PSTS! We first met Ed when his son, Brett, began training in our athlete program over 3-years ago. After some time, Ed thought he’d give our adult program a try.

Nearly a year later and Ed is firing on all cylinders. Despite a hectic travel schedule he still makes time to train 3x/week. Ed WILL be in better shape at age 50 than he was at age 40. What is great about Ed is that he consistently shows up, puts in the required work for that day, and in the process, stacks up small victories.

With the accountably of his lovely wife and fellow PSTS member Kandi Foley, Ed is taking control of his health and well-being. Big props to Ed for setting the example on how to make it happen!13924806_1076134539089876_5157366419479703080_n