“I have noticed I feel more positive about myself, I am stronger and more in tune with my body.”

“Before PowerStrength I was at home trying to self-motivate. PowerStrength has been a great experience. I appreciate the genuine care the coaches have for the people. I’ve always felt like they were invested in helping make you the healthiest version of you. They pay attention to your wellbeing and make sure to connect with you. Not only to better understand and assist with your personal health goals, but also to know you better. This makes the entire experience more positive and creates a higher standard of personal accountability. You don’t blend in or hide in a big group, you are known and recognized in a good way. You don’t get guilt, you get encouragement. I am excited to continue my journey to become healthier, maintaining that healthiness, increasing my strength and flexibility. Having the PSTS coaches during this journey is a significant advantage to being successful. I have noticed I feel more positive about myself, I am stronger and more in tune with my body. It becomes a catalyst for making healthier choices in other areas of your life.” – Chris S.